Friday, March 14, 2008

Alien VS Predator 1 & 2,alvin and chipmunks,rambo 4 and ghost rider pics


In this post,I'd like to share my AVP pics...I've store the pics in my computer and put one as my desktop wallpaper...but the rest of the pics,I dont know what to use with them,so I decided to post them here and share with you...I know some of you already have the pics,but at least I use them to share with whom dont have the pics yet....anyway,enjoy...

Oh yes,click on the pics and save them in your PC if you'd like to have it..

Thursday, March 13, 2008



I'm ady and I'm new in blogger,so my blog is not edited well yet...I'm needing help from you to give me some hints for decorating my blog and I would appreciate that all..Hope you enjoy your day...

My bro and sis already have their own blogs and they teach me how to use blogger and how to add applications like clocks and,if you guys have some cool ideas to make my blog looks nice and better,please leave the suggestions in the comments box..Thanks!!!! :)